
Eco Energy A Nation’s Values

Eco Energy A Nation’s Values

We consider our nation first and foremost a moral entity, which was built over centuries by the efforts and solidarity of each succeeding generation, all of them related by blood. Portugal was born out of the will and effort of the Portuguese people. Our past is full of beauty and of grand heroic acts. We are children of that Portugal and it is that Portugal that we as one want to bring back. We want to be part of History as being of a civilizing spirit and contributing to strengthen the global order

Work feeds our life, produces nations’ riches and generates peoples’ prosperity. Work brings glory and honour and, despite having different utility and being of diverse economic value, has similar moral dignity. In order to be successful, industries depend as much upon people they rely on their main conceptual idea. Eco Energy is a firm believer in a people proud of its achievements, confident about the future and with a strong will to evolve. Thus, we strive to maintain the group identity, strengthening our national personality, in order to promote progress.

By means of an exemplary civil action, Eco Energy shows an ambition for social peace and economic stability and progress. We do not forget for a single moment the duties towards our beloved country and the Portuguese flag. I am sure no greater tribute can be paid than the acknowledgment of this truth – the desire to contribute with all our might to better enhance the Portuguese people’s value.

We have always believed in our country and its future. Portugal is the outcome of the Portuguese people’s will. It is a strong, able and ancient nation that has never surrendered to pessimism and disbelief. The Portuguese people have a deep understanding of national dignity and have always been able to master their own destiny, looking ahead with conviction, ambition and a contagious optimism that defies every impossibility. These are the kind of values we need right now. We want to salute this great nation worthy of its charm – the nation we call Portugal.

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